By Submitting You Confirm You Have Read and Agreed with the Full Terms and Conditions*
1. The South London Film Festival is an international Film Festival open to all filmmakers inside and outside the UK.
2. All films should be submitted in English or with English Subtitles.
3. There are no limitations on premiere status.
4. If necessary, submissions are subject to being moved to a different category at the festivals discretion. This will not affect the entry fee. Only the category will be changed.
5. Filmmakers (excluding Student Film category) may submit more than one project to the festival.
6. Short Films should have a run time between 1 and 20 minutes.
7. Feature Films should have a run time above 40 minutes.
8. Music videos must be under 10 minutes.
9. South London Based Filmmakers are entitled to receive a discount if they provide proof of address. Please contact the festival.
10. No pornographic/explicit material.
11. All submissions to feedback categories will receive written feedback for their film irrespective of selection status.
12. Students must be over the age of 16 to submit and must upload proof of student ID to their ‘files and attachments’ section on their FilmFreeway project page, otherwise films will be disqualified. Students under the age of 18 must submit via their school/educational institution.
13. Student Filmmakers are permitted to submit their film to compete in other categories as well as the student category.
14. Entry fees are non refundable.
15. By submitting, all filmmakers confirm that they have permissions for all images and music used in their films.
16. All selections, finalists and winners will be notified within notification dates and will receive laurels and certificates.
17. By submitting, you are acknowledging that all prizes and rewards are subject to change at the discretion of the Festival and/or it’s partners at any time.
18. By submitting, the filmmaker gives The South London Film Festival permission to use their film (including images/sound) on our website and social media channels and for marketing purposes.
19. Rules and terms and conditions are subject to change at any time at the discretion of The South London Film Festival.
20. We do not accept postal submissions.
21. Judging decisions are final.
22. Submissions that are found to have violated any of the eligibility requirements listed above, may be disqualified at any time.
By submitting, you agree to all terms and conditions.
*Full terms and conditions can be found here.
© The South London Film Festival – All rights reserved